OK, I admit it. It's my fault that this blog has been dormant for far too long. (Um, duh. Who else's fault would it be???) Oh, wait! I blame Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has made it exponentially easier to post all of the adorable things that my kids say and do right there on my handy-dandy, at-my-fingertips smart phone. So, sorry Followers. I'll do better. Promise.
In case you missed these posts on Facebook, here are a few of the things the kids have come up with lately:
Brogan was bummed when we explained to him that our most recent Monday holiday was "President's" Day...not "Presents" Day.
Today's post-Diego conversation...
Brogan: Mommy, do you know what "Oscar the whale" means?
Me: No, Honey, I have no idea.
Brogan: It means "see you later."
*** Pause to process ***
Me: Oh! You mean "hasta luego."
Brogan: Yeah, but that's too hard so I say "Oscar the whale."
So Brogan has been waking up scared because he thinks he hears a tornado. When I asked him what noise he heard he said, "They sound like a train, right? Well, I heard 'woooo, woooo'." I was happy to ease his fears by explaining that tornadoes do not sound like that part of a train.
Oops. My bad.
(This one hasn't made it to Facebook, yet. That's right -- a blog exclusive!) Brogan asked if we have any "Bill the Barber" cartoons recored (which is what he says for DVRed). It took several 20 Questions-style inquiries to determine he meant "Bob the Builder." Which supports my theory that getting names wrong is tied to the Y chromosome. That, and not listening to me.
While Brynna, at 2½, is signficantly less conversational, she manages to provide her share of comic releif. Case in point:
When football highlights come on, Brynna's usual rant is "C'mon, Guys! Dats tewible!" (That's terrible!) Hmmm...where could she have gotten that from?
When I dress her in something new and extra-cute, she jumps up and declares, "I adorable!" Then heads for my full-length mirror to make sure she's delivering on her promise.
And finally, a few of the things she's saying now:
"Nilk" = Milk
"I big gir" = I'm a big girl
"Nuggle, nuggle" = Snuggle, snuggle
Hopefully I can catch some of their antics on video. Look for that soon. :)
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